Daily Guidelines & Procedures
Updated Protocol as of August 2022
Paradigm Development Center (PDC) staff and students are not required to wear a face mask.
COVID-19 Testing
PDC is no longer administering COVID-19 testing on-site to our community. PDC administers COVID-19 testing for PDC staff, interns, & students only.
After a positive diagnosis, a negative COVID-19 test is required to attend or work in person at PDC.
There are hand sanitizers for students and staff to use throughout the school. Students and staff will be frequently encouraged to use hand sanitizer. Additionally, hand sanitizer will be provided to staff and students after outdoor sessions.
Cough, fever or chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle or body aches, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, and congestion or runny nose.
Parent Responsibilities
Please note: You and/or your family are obligated to contact the PDC school director at director@paradigmdevelopmentcenter.com or (281) 755-6631 if or when your student, yourself, or a live-in immediate family member is exposed to or tests positive for COVID-19. You and/or your family are obligated to contact the PDC school director if or when your student, yourself, or a live-in immediate family member begins to express symptoms of COVID-19.
If your student continues to attend in-person PDC classroom sessions, please keep the following in mind. PDC staff, students, and student families are directly affected by what each staff and student brings into the school, every day. Please stay mindful and proactive in efforts to keep yourself and your family aware of what you/they are touching and consistent with hand washing, wearing face masks, and social distancing.
PDC Staff Responsibilities
Please note: You and/or your family are obligated to contact the PDC school director at director@paradigmdevelopmentcenter.com or (281) 755-6631 if or when you or a live-in immediate family member is exposed to or tests positive for COVID-19. You and/or your family are obligated to contact the PDC school director if or when you or a live-in immediate family member begins to express symptoms of COVID-19.
PDC staff will sanitize and disinfect public areas and surfaces to stay proactive in efforts to control the transmission of COVID-19. PDC staff will stay mindful and proactive in efforts to keep in-person attending students aware of what they are touching and consistent in handwashing & sanitizing.
If you continue to attend in-person PDC classroom sessions, please keep the following in mind. PDC staff, students, and student families are directly affected by what each staff and student brings into the school, every day. Please stay mindful and proactive in efforts to keep yourself and your family aware of what you/they are touching and consistent with hand washing, wearing face masks, and social distancing.
PDC’s Responsibilities
PDC will keep staff and student families updated if or when a PDC staff, student, or live-in immediate family member tests positive for COVID-19.
PDC will continue to execute this protocol until June 1, 2023. On this day, PDC will review this protocol and send an update to staff and student families. Due to the quickly evolving nature of COVID-19, PDC reserves the right to update this protocol at any time. [Last updated August 2022]
Educational Resources Relating to COVID-19
World Health Organization course - https://openwho.org/courses/introduction-to-ncov
Harris County Public Health - http://publichealth.harriscountytx.gov/Resources/2019-Novel-Coronavirus
If you have questions or concerns, contact the PDC school director at director@paradigmdevelopmentcenter.com or (281) 755-6631.
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