
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Camp Paradigm 2022 - COVID-19 Update

Camp Paradigm 2022

COVID-19 protocol & Guidelines

[Last updated June 2022]

Camp Paradigm is scheduled for three separate weeks with the first camp starting on June 27, 2022. Camp Paradigm executes and enforces the Health & Safety protocol stated in the Texas Health & Human Services protocol for Youth Day Camps. Camp Paradigm adds some requirements that will be enforced daily, from the start of the camp day to the end of the camp day during every Camp Paradigm week. All staff and camp families will receive a webpage link to the Camp Paradigm COVID-19 Protocol [emailed June 16, 2022].

  • All campers and staff are encouraged to wear masks indoors when social distancing is unable to be practiced. Masks are not required for campers and staff outdoors.

  • Parents are required to stay in their cars at drop-off and pick-up.

  • There will be no unscheduled visitors allowed in or around the school or camp spaces.

  • Staff exhibiting symptoms in the form of sneezing, a stuffy nose, or coughing will put on a mask, immediately. If their symptoms continue OR their symptoms develop into symptoms described under "COVID-19 Symptoms" below they will be isolated, given a PDC-administered COVID-19 test, and asked to leave.

  • Campers exhibiting symptoms in the form of sneezing, a stuffy nose, or coughing will put on a mask, immediately. If their symp;toms continue OR their symptoms developm into symptoms described under "COVID-19 Symptoms" below they will put on a face mask, immediately. If their symptoms continue they will be isolated, given a PDC-administered COVID-19 test, and their parents are required to pick them up.

COVID-19 Symptoms

Cough, fever or chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle or body aches, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, and congestion or runny nose.

  • There will only be up to 15 campers and 7 staff per week in Camp Paradigm buildings at any time.

  • All staff will receive training on appropriate hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, and respiratory etiquette. 

COVID-19 Testing

Campers and camp staff may be asked to take a COVID-19 rapid test if or when they are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. 


There will be no unscheduled visitors allowed in or around the school spaces. Schedule visitors are required to socially-distance themselves while visiting Camp Paradigm.

Leaving & Returning During the School Day

If staff or camper leaves the school during the school day, they must immediately wash their hands before touching anything anywhere in the school.

Hand Sanitizer

There are hand sanitizer bottles for students and staff to use throughout the school. Campers and staff will be frequently encouraged to use hand sanitizer. Staff and campers will wash their hands after outdoor sessions.

In Closing

This protocol is not a guarantee a camper or staff will not contract COVID-19. Camp Paradigm staff will execute this protocol to reduce the risk of a camper or staff contracting COVID-19. Camp Paradigm staff reserves the right to add to and edit this protocol at any time. Please review this protocol, periodically.

By signing this form, I acknowledge I have carefully read through the COVID-19 protocol for Camp Paradigm. As a Camp Paradigm parent, I will do everything I can to assist Camp Paradigm staff and students in reducing the risk of contracting COVID-19. Most importantly, I will let the camp director know if or when my family has been exposed to or in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.


Camp Director

Maranda Marvin

Call or Text (281) 755-6631